A brief history of me...


University of California, Berkeley   2022 - Now

Postdoctoral Fellow

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory   2022 - Now

Postdoctoral Fellow


University of Edinburgh     2018 - 2022

PhD in Astrophysics

University of Cambridge         2017 - 2018

MASt in Applied Mathematics

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki           2013 - 2017

BSc in Physics

Honors & Awards

Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics Fellowship    2022 - 2025

University of California, Berkeley

Winton Award                 2022 

Best PhD Thesis in the field of Astronomy

Royal Society PhD Scholarship           2018 - 2022

University of Edinburgh

Lilian Voudouri Postgraduate Scholarship     2017 - 2018

University of Cambridge

Graduation Distinction     2017

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Software Development


Main developer of a Python implementation of Preconditioned Monte Carlo


Main developer of a Python implementation of Ensemble Slice Sampling


Main developer of a Python implementation of the FFTLog algorithm


Main developer of a Python implementation of Sliced Iterative Normalizing Flow


AI + Physics Seminars

Co-organizer of a UC Berkeley seminar series featuring leading AI researchers

Cosmology Journal Club

Co-organizer of the weekly BCCP journal club during 2023 - 2024



Python, Julia, C, Fortran, Mathematica, MATLAB/Octave, LaTeX, SQL, HTML

Deep Learning Frameworks

JAX, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras

Probabilistic Programming Languages

(Num)Pyro, PyMC, Blackjax, Stan, Turing

Operating systems

MacOS, Linux, Windows

High Performance Computing

Scientific Computing using NERSC's HPE Cray "Perlmutter" and "Cori"